Taking Liberties by Chris Atkins - Full film

3 years ago

How Tony Blair went from 'Cool Britannia' to
George Bush's poodle, (B)liar and Deep State globalist in a space of just a few years.

Not being one to measure consequences he soon became the "poster-boy" for Margaret Thatcher's conservative party. Expanding on Anti-Terrorism Acts that view everyone a terrorist until proven innocent and draconian laws that put yet more gates on the loss of liberties.

New Labour broke away from Old Labour setting its course for all the Blairites inner Labour fights and the internal sabotage of Jeremy Corbyn (Old Labour).

Blair expanded on the ideologies of money markets (PFI's) and world moralism, as it was then the "Nanny Sate" opening yet another gate to present full mountebank Boris Johnson's soviet style corporate and state control, both realising that two wrongs do make it right.

Still seen by many as a war criminal Blair went to on to lead the Quartet (a lobby to promote piece in the middle east) after he started the wars there and soon began working for JP Morgan Bank and public speaking making £millions, never looking back at his "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" claim mistake, conflict of interests, spin lies and now is again not measuring consequences by actively promoting covid19 vaccination for all the population.

The fact that there is a MHRA YellowCard Reporting system in the UK with one million adverse reactions and over one thousand post-vaccine deaths is of no concern to Blair, of course.


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