002 Proven Tips On How To Eliminate Catnapping FOREVER with Chantal Murphy Baby Sleep Magic

3 years ago

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When it comes to sleep training your baby CAT NAPPING is by far one of the most talked-about problem with babies. 🙈 Whilst it’s totally normal for young babies to sleep just one sleep cycle or less this can become a habit in later months.

Catnapping can become more of an issue beyond 3 - 4 months, when the lack of sleep during the day causes frequent night wakings, and overall grumpy baby, & exhausted parents!

From 3 months onwards, your baby becomes ready for some consistency with routine, longer awake windows, & lengthier naps. It is not uncommon, however, for catnapping to continue well up to 5-6 months of age! Here are my top few tips for sleep training your baby & combatting the catnap (3 months onward):

At the moment, we are giving out free sleep schedules, to grab your age-specific sleep guide head over to our website www.babysleepmagic.com.au and find the free sleep guides tab.

Listen to more of The Baby Sleep Magic Podcast here:

Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/baby-sleep-magic/id1502363423

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7GiCLP5HufdDsVGlYNlt7p?si=6Xs4TOHvRsqZjaX-VTP0aA

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Website: https://www.babysleepmagic.com.au/

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