Climate Hustle - The Global Warming Shakedown

3 years ago

Climate Hustle
The Global Warming Shakedown

Climate Hustle reveals the history of climate scares, examines the science on both sides of the debate, digs into the politics
and media hype surrounding the issue shows how global warming has become a new religion for alarmists and explains the impacts
the warming agenda will have on people in America and around the world.

Climate Hustle is a 2016 film about the existence and cause of climate change.
Man-made climate change – most especially the notion that global temperatures can be turned on and off by tiny alterations in the
quantities of the trace gas carbon dioxide – is nothing more than a green fantasy being used as an excuse for a money-making scam
by corporate shysters, a wealth redistribution scheme by the Third World, and as a power grab by one world government freaks.

One of the key myths it demolishes is the one established by Al Gore in his pimped-up PowerPoint lecture, An Inconvenient Truth,
where he climbs onto a scissor lift to show how dramatically – and apparently unprecedentedly – CO2 levels have risen in the
late Twentieth Century with inevitably disastrous consequences for the planet.

This scaremongering claim by Gore is a perfect example of what presenter Marc Morano means by the “Climate Hustle”: just like in a card game
where tricksters use sleight-of-hand, distraction techniques, and dirty tricks in order to con the mark (the mug punter) out of his money,
so the alarmist establishment is withholding key details and presenting false or distorted information in order to extract vast sums from the gullible public.

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