Dominion Voting Systems CEO BUSTED LYING!

3 years ago

All of America KNOWS that SmartMatic and Dominion are corrupt voting systems designed to "Sell a victory" to the highest bidder by design!

They were used to DESTROY Venezuela, and now are attempting to also destroy America through their corrupt, rigged voting software and insecure machines which ARE connected to the internet!

It's Treason, plain and simple!

Let there be no confusion here, switching votes and allowing outside manipulation of the vote count disenfranchises EVERY AMERICAN VOTER because his/her vote gets cancelled out by the addition of these "Ghost Voters"

I feel as if Democrats have been using this voting system for a very specific reason, to allow the manipulation of vote totals in every election cycle!

So when you wonder how in the world people like Corrupt Nancy Pelosi keep winning elections despite their HORRIBLE abuses of power, horrible job performance, and passing horrible legislation..... They just tell these voting systems who they want the winner to be!

Voters be damned! It's outright TREASON and SEDITION!
And should it go without being prosecuted, we all need to ask ourselves what good is law enforcement in this country?

Law Enforcement that only prosecutes "Some people" is what you call Tyranny! In America we are a country of LAWS!

If one man stands above them THEN ALL MEN SHOULD DISREGARD THEM!

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