Ann Bressington SA Independent Senator exposes Agenda 21

3 years ago

Unfortunately nobody listened as Senator Bressington described the selling out of Australia by our politicians to the globalists. She warned of the Global Communists who wanted to usher in a One World Government and a New World Order. She predicted we only had a few years before we would start losing our rights as Agenda 21 was fully implemented. The original excuse to usher in the NWO began in the 1970s by blaming humans for 'climate change'. The solution was depopulation and de-industrialisation. 2021 has arrived and we are living through what she so clearly warned us about. The insane ramblings of our politicians and fascist lockdowns over a virus with a survival rate of 99.9% when put into an historical perspective become more understandable. The so called 'pandemic' and 'global change' are the excuses for stripping us of all our freedoms and injecting us with a deadly biological experimental gene modification agent. According to some experts It is not a vaccine but a poison that has already killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people. Depopulation has begun. The fascist takeover by globalist oligarchs like Klaus Rothschild Schwab, son of a Nazi, is underway.

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