3 years ago

We spend far too much time and energy worrying about things out of our control

Many occassions through life, we stress about things that does not require stressing

If we knew the full picture of what is going on in other peoples’ lives then we would realise how much our ego has a hold on us. We would quite often have to let go of whatever we are getting triggered over because we realise how unnecessary it is

I provide a few examples in this video.

Here is one of them.

When driving along the road, a car whizzes by you. It triggers you, road rage kicks in and you start cursing.

You get so wound up that this person has done this, that you feel the need to let them know.

I witnessed something similar where I watched a person chase down the speeding car In front, drifting between lanes and you could see they were infuriated. Has this happened to you?

As you reach the car at the traffic lights to let them receive your frustrations, you notice someone in the back of that car, bleeding from the neck, In desperation of help.

That entire 3 minutes chasing them with rage, was only a complete waste of energy and fury because you realise that the car was actually rushing to the hospital.

Cars on the road can drive dangerously and we can easily get caught up in rage.

Is it really worth causing an accident and ramping up your stress levels?

If a car does this and they are in front, let it go.

We never truly know what is going on. What we can do however, is control our own emotions and energy

This is one example, check out the other 4 in this video and it would be great to hear any examples of similar things that have happened in your life?

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