3 years ago

Words are our power

I love the influence and power words have on our lives
I am very particular of the words that come out of our mouths.

Imagine we are the commander and all of the body and the universe works for us, they are our soldiers.
Every word that we speak becomes a command
The universal law of attraction states,
what we put out comes back and what we ask for comes true. The body is so intelligent and by becoming conscious of the words we use, our body will act on those

People who are depressed will use negative words. I see it all the time. It starts with self talk. Time to be kind to ourself


I am - are the two most powerful combined words. Everything becomes truth that follows I am. We are sending commands to the body

When people wake up they will say, I AM TIRED…. I AM STRESSED This what you will become. Your body will act tired until you replace with “I AM” something else

I am ill, I am injured I was injured now I am recovering, I am healing. Can you see the difference?

Dismissing the universe

When we experience a magical moment, synchronicity, connecting with God, seeing a ghost etc, it was real and we felt it. We then use words like, that was “unreal” “unbelievable” “crazy”
Now imagine the universe has just created an amazing moment and we dismiss it with “that was unreal”

If it happened, it was real, this is our truth, even if others will dismiss It. When we deny it, we actually lie to our soul

Work with the universe and it will work back in abundance

Opposites - we always have a choice

Every word has an opposite, which means we have a choice. Negative or positive. Pay attention to the words that we use. Can you catch yourself and flip it to a positive

Never forget…. Always remember.

I want, I might, hopefully …. I will or no

These small adjustments can change an entire conversation. If we want more positivity in our lives, we must speak more positive words

Here are some common unconscious sentences that are used. Pay attention to the sayings and really think what we are communicating with our bodies and the universe

Nothing can beat this moment
(Suggesting that this is the best we will experience)

I have never heard that before

I have never experienced that before

Instead we can use
“this is the first time I have experienced this

I can’t imagine, (yes you can)

I don’t care - (caring about our lives will bring us changes)

I Can’t believe it
That’s unreal
That’s unbelievable
That’s mad
That’s crazy
Tell your ego to piss off
No doubt
Without a doubt
I want
I might
I can’t

Intention for tomorrow, pay attention to words we use, and can you catch yourself and change them to a positive

Let me know how you get on

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