3 years ago

We have been brought up to believe that we must seek external help to heal ourselves

Big pharma has become accepted as the norm and everything else is considered “alternative medicine”.

It is not an alternative, it is the original and this is how big pharma came into action. It is a money-making industry, very little to do with the people

Seeing how the cancer industry works, I was shocked at the level of corruption and lack of care that goes into each patient. It’s shocking. The insurance companies get priced out 4x the amount of what a client would personally pay so it’s all about milking the system and making more money. They scare the life out of people forcing them to make decisions without them having time to realise what is going on.

Would you agree when I say we are all very different and every person is different?

When they look at “science” they look at mass numbers and Categorise people into groups. The trouble with this is that if we took an example study group

30x 35 year olds
From Iceland

And then they base the results on this. The problem with the study groups, everyone is still so different. There are too many variables. Stress, family, schedule, exercise etc

So the idea that a pharmaceutical drug that is produced on mass will help everyone is flawed

This is where “alternative medicine” comes in. It has been used for years and each person will be prescribed something unique for them

Epigentics is what I’m studying lots of current and it is the same notion here too. After they monitor a single cell, they can determine what is out of balance and then recommend supplements, plant medicines, and other things like exercise and meditation based on individual symptoms

Would you stick every single person on the same exercise routine or exactly the same diet? Of course you wouldn’t, so why would it make sense to have the same drugs and expect everyone to be ok.

Why do you think they label “side effects”. These are not side effects, this is what happens. Do you see people get blood clots from eating too much turmeric?

Even when we get a headache so many of us automatically turn to paracetamol, when we get a cough, we take medicine

What we haven’t been told is how incredible our bodies are and more than that, we actually have complete control of it

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All we need to do is look after our incredible bodies.

Nowadays it is common that we do some of the following

We eat processed foods
We give ourselves little exercise
We feed our minds with negative thoughts
Our sleep is poor
We overstress our systems with work
We carry that workaround with us to the rest of our lives
We get caught up in our thoughts
We overeat
We drink too much alcohol
We put all other sorts in our bodies

And we wonder why we seek external help?

If we knew the real powers that our body has and how to work it, we would all be treating our bodies so much better

The first steps for healing.... become present, dedicate time throughout your week for your health, be consistent, meditate, and check in to your inner body. Literally, ask and tell it what you want.

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