Are There Annual Trademark Maintenance Fees? | Trademark Factory® FAQ

3 years ago

Are There Annual Trademark Maintenance Fees?

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The answer is that no.
Most countries recognize your trademark registration for 10 years and you can renew it for another 10 years, and then another 10 years, and then another 10 years. So they go in 10-year increments.
In Canada the initial term is 15 years, so you can renew it for another 15, and so on. It's very likely that Canada is going be transitioning to the 10-year period to align itself with the rest of the world very soon. We don't know when it’s going to happen, but it is going to happen eventually.
The only exception that you should bear in mind is that in the U.S., you need to file a post-registration Statement of Use between the 5th and 6th year of your registration to show the Trademarks Office that you are still using your trademark, that you are still interested in protecting it. And they require you to take action to show them that.
But other than that, there are no fees in the middle of the registration and the next renewal and then the next renewal.


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