Weight loss is a great goal to have

3 years ago

Wanting to lose weight and change the way your body shape looks is perfectly normal and It is OK to want to change

Too many people online love to express their opinions onto others and tell people to stop paying attention to the scales or stop worrying about how they look. Accept and love yourself is the message

This message is perfect advice, it just needs an extra addition to it.

Accept and love yourself brings you to present moment, if you are not happy with where you are right now, and you know you can do better, then you have the power to make that happen

The opinions of others and their failures in losing weight, shouldn’t deter you.

If we are brutally honest with ourselves, if we really want to lose weight, we know that we must make some changes

Those changes however require awareness, consistency and discipline.

If you focus on improving a little bit on each one of the following and keep consistent, you WILL lose weight. Fact

Activity, nutrition, meditation, self development, positive affirmations, journaling, sleep, hydration, exercise.

Let’s go beyond weight and aesthetics and focus on the other benefits that will happen in your life. More energy, more happiness, more confidence, more belief, more drive, better sleep.

Take the pressure of ourselves, focus on showing up as your best self on all the components to health and watch the weight change

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