8 Tips for Brikka Moka Pots - How to Get Better Foam (Crema) from your Bialetti Brikka Coffee Maker

3 years ago

Getting decent foam from Brikka pots can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be! These eight steps took me from wanting to throw the Brikka out the window, to using it almost everyday.

Is your Brikka not working as hoped? Join the club! The Bialetti Brikka is unique from other moka pots, in that it's *supposed* to create a layer of foam (almost like crema on espresso). But I was frustrated by frequent stalls in the brew process, and weak foam it produced. Trial-and-error, and scouring the interwebs for similarly frustrated users provided me with 8 TRICKS that have allowed me to get thick, rich foam and smooth coffee from my Brikka every single time.

Just to be clear on the terminology, the coffee produced by the Brikka isn't 'technically' espresso, since it isn't brewed using enough pressure. But in my opinion, it's as close as you can get from a stovetop coffee pot.

The Brikka 'stovetop espresso' maker has an aluminum body and comes in 2-cup and 4-cup versions. This demonstration features the 2-cup size. Bar pressure is just slightly more than a standard moka pot at approximately 2 bars.

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