How to Froth & Foam Milk Without an Espresso Machine or Steam | 4 Ways

3 years ago

We show you four ways to make frothy milk foam for your coffee without an espresso machine. We'll be using a whisk, a french press, a milk frothing wand, and a jar. But before we get started, let's talk about the difference between *steamed milk*, and milk foam.

Steamed milk is what's most commonly made with higher-end espresso machines. This produces tiny, closely-knit bubbles and is similar in consistency to thick paint. It's used to create the lovely latte art seen at your favorite cafe.

Milk foam (or frothed milk) is slightly different. It's the fluffy, pillowy goodness that typically tops cappuccinos. Since it has an airier, fluffier consistency, it is not used for latte art. I understand there are slight differences between "foam" and "froth", but for the purposes of this video, I'm using them interchangeably.

While steamed milk typically requires a steam wand, we can produce pretty-good milk foam using household tools. Today I'll be covering four of my favorites.

1. Whisk & Stovetop: This produces very light, airy pillows.
2. French Press: My favorite method, this produces rich, velvety, creamy pillows that are more dense than the other methods.
3. Frothing Wand: This method produces a feather-light foam with less structure and stability than other methods.
4. Jar Method: Produces a smooth, more fluid froth.

For each of these methods, you'll notice that some milk almost always remains unfrothed. This is perfectly normal. Pour the liquid milk in your drink first, then spoon the foam on top. Enjoy!

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