Peter the Insider ACIO – Umbrella Corporation, Cyberlife, Neurocore, Lincoln Clay, Protesters

3 years ago

Original Upload Date: Jun 7, 2020

Peter Insider is director of 12th division inside the ACIO which is tasked as a liaison between human and ET relations. He works in Pine Gap in center of Australia and Dreamland, Groom Lake, AREA 51 in Nevada US. These bases are sister facilities of each other. We also have Jessica Areal Marrocco, is a medium, psychic intuitive, and seer who would see visions in the form of a movie within her "third eye" or "inner vision" and allow her to tap into the Akashic Records. She distinctly recalled a particular vision where she saw herself wearing historical period clothing and interacting with someone who shared the same past life with. She uses this ability to help others retrieve their past-life experiences to identify how their present life is revealed through their past. oday we will be talking about the Umbrella Corporation, Umbrella Academy, Cyberlife, Neurocore, Lincoln Clay, and A.I. entrained protesters.

Jessica's website is: .

ACIO website:
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