How To Dress Your Baby For Sleep In Winter | This Will Help Your Baby Sleep Longer!

3 years ago

Is your baby/child all of a sudden starting to wake at 3 or 4 am?? You'll be surprised to know it might be because they're cold.

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This time of year can be tricky & if your child has all of a sudden started waking during the night or is up earlier then most likely because they are cold.

My Top Tips:

👉 Dress your child for the coldest part of the night (usually around 4 am)

👉 My recommendation: a singlet, a long-long onesie and a 2.5 tog sleeping bag along with a heater on from midnight if it's going to be under 10c outside.

👉 If you have a warm bubba….try putting them to bed with the fan or air conditioner on, then turn it off when you go to bed or before 10 pm. Those extra layers will make all the difference at 4 am!

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