Tips For Teething Babies!!! 3 Tips GUARANTEED to help!?!?

3 years ago

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Ahh YES.. Despite many professionals claiming that teething doesn’t affect sleep or behaviour, I couldn’t disagree more. It all depends on the child, their age, temperament, which teeth, and how many are coming through.. Like adults we all have different pain thresholds and so do babies..Some will breeze through teething whilst others (well most babies) will experience some pain & discomfort.

Red cheeks
Red swollen gums
Chewing or biting… on everything
White buds visible in gums
Rash on face and/or chin
Nappy rash
Runny stools
More frequent bowel movements at all different times of the day (including nap times and in the middle of the night)
Increased clinginess, irritability, crying
Loss of appetite
Slight temperature
Pulling at ears

General unsettledness or wakefulness at sleep times.
Catnapping or shorter sleeps than usual.
Difficulty settling at naps and bedtime.
Frequent waking in the hours immediately following bedtime.
Waking in the early hours and difficulty settling back to sleep.
Early rising.
Increased overnight waking – symptoms of teething and illness are usually worse toward the end of the day and overnight.

Be prepared to spend extra time sitting beside your child’s bed to help them to fall asleep or back to sleep when they may wake prematurely from naps or overnight.
Try to maintain a consistent day and night routine.
Teething rings/toys.
Baltic amber teething necklaces.
Edible teething rusks.
Cold fruit/frozen all-fruit icy poles or a cold face washer.
Your child may prefer soft, liquefied or pureed foods to solids.
Breastfeeding is natural pain relief.
Offer pain relief where necessary.
Optimise the sleep environment. (Elevating the mattress head slightly can reduce the pressure and discomfort from teething and congestion from colds – as opposed to lying flat.)

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