This Ain't Yer Mother's Market, After All! Part 2 - "The Aftermath" (EXPOSURE, Segment 12)

3 years ago

Wait until you hear what happened AFTER the arrests at Mother's Market on August 15, 2020! And even this only scratches the surface of the evidence and other bombshells I'm sitting on.

Show Notes:

OCDA Daniel Wagner Corruption:

Leigh Dundas Facebook Video RE: Mother's Market:

Leigh Dundas strongly worded letter to Chief Glass, Costa Mesa PD and Costa Mesa City Council:

TikTok Video Showing Me Challenging Don Wagner publicly:

This helps to explain, partially, why the targeting began. It's called "Why Me?"

I have no "gag order" preventing me from offering a "theory" of my case. No one has told me my first amendment right to free speech has been suspended as a result of my indictment. As always, when I make claims in these videos I support them with "receipts" or evidence, whether circumstantial or direct. This video is no different.

On August 15, 2020 two women were arrested in Mother's Market at 19th and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA. The arrests were due to these women entering the store and attempting to shop without the required face diapers. What followed was shocking.

The two women, along with unrelated and completely innocent customers, were locked inside the store for several minutes until police arrived. When police did arrive to handle these two unarmed women being detained for possible infractions (Failure To Obey Mayor Foley), they launched a quasi-SWAT response with several officers and police cars, along with a paddy wagon to transport these dangerously unmasked women. I believe a police helicopter also hovered overhead at some point.

My theory is that this plot likely originated with the Orange County Joint Terrorism Task Force (OCJTTF), the third largest in the nation, and started as soon as I began to publicly organize my first protest.

The SWAMP was cocked, locked and ready to rock waiting for people like me across the country who might rise up. The lockdowns had to succeed! Just a theory.

The SWAMP is DEEP (STATE) and the SWAMP is WIDE. Orange County has its own SWAMP. You watch. You decide.

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