Humanity & Earth's 5D+ Heartbeat (Schumann Resonance) w/Alexis: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #61

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk with Schumann Resonance researcher, Alexis Brink of Ascension Diaries. Now, the Schumann Resonance is a scientific understanding made popular by the HeartMath Institute at Princeton University who used over 70 random number generators all over the world to measure the electromagnetic frequency of Earth. The averaged Hz frequency is 7.83. However, over a series of over 2 decades, Princeton University found that the Random Number Generators spikes in its Hz frequency hours before a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina or man-made disaster such as 9/11 in the particular area it is measuring. The translation is that the Earth is conacious and it is connected to all the living beings living on it. It has evolved to many more RNGs measured by many other institutions all over the world and piqued the interest of researchers such as Alexis of Ascension Diaries. Alexis, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

Here are the websites we discuss in the video about Earth’s Schumann Resonance in action:

Video interview here as well:

1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work?
2. So, I’ve been tracking the Schumann Resonance of Earth done by the HeartMath Institute at Princeton University since 1999 all the way up to the 2,555 Buddhist Era Date for the transition into the 5th Dimension according to Buddhism and many indigenous cultures keen to this change-over of the Earth’s processional cycle. You can all look up all their work predicted hours before at exactly at the time of each impending event on their website: Fast-forward, the science behind the Earth’s ascension into higher levels of energy and its effects on human consciousness is no longer debated much. The next generation of Earth’s Schumann resonance has inspired us to keep tracking Earth. Alexis, you are one of the bright researchers into this phenomenon. What observations have you made and which events did it correlate to?
3. What website do you use to track Earth’s heartbeat?
4. In August, 2020, there was 3 straight days when the Schumann Resonance stayed at the same rate creating a bar graph. What do you think that was?
5. What is the highest Hz you’ve tracked it to go?
6. When the Schumann Resonance goes into the high frequencies, most people report feeling anxiety and restlessness. What do you recommend people do to deal with these spikes in a healthy manner?
7. What are your thoughts on Earth’s Ascension so far in terms of the Schumann Resonance?
8. You’re presenting at the 2021 Higher-Self Expo. What will you be discussing? For more information, go to:
9. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth?

For more information about Alexis of Ascension Diaries offerings, please visit her Instagram page at:

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#AlexisAscensionDiaries, #EarthSchumannResonance, #EarthHarmonicsFrequencies, #EarthAscensionTracking, #SolarFlaresTracker, #5thDimension, #EarthHeartSong, #Oneness, #Consciousness, #Beyond3rdDimensionConsciousness, #2021HigherSelfExpo, #HeartMathInstitute, #GlobalConsciousnessProject, #PrincetonUniversityMetaphysicsResearch, #IndigenousAscension, #2012, #EarthProcessionCycle, #2555BuddhistEra, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #BuddhismPodcast, #BreakMatrix, #LaosAuthors, #LaosPodcast, #VonGalt, #InstituteOfNoeticSciences

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