3 years ago
141 research Vaccinated are the cause for death and spreading. Delta variants are the cover up. They are way ahead of us. Peters along with Alex Jones info wars show documentation of OVER 70 % of people now die from DELTA are fully vaccinated it my conclusion is this is exactly what I was saying 6 months ago. The vaccine would kill people through the MRNA and the graphene oxide, research for yourself. This is happening now. How else can they explain it away? They can't. So blame the unvaccinated and  another strain . Hello.  Text book world  wide population control . Next will be mandatory lockdown again. Same pattern. Emmanuel Macron In France Announced That He Is Making The EU Digital Certificate Covid-19 Health Pass Mandatory In All Venues . Soon in the USA you will not be able to buy or sell unless you recover the COVID 19 Passport,   IMMUNABAND bracelet or your chip in your right hand or forehead. DO NOT BE DECEIVED! Emmanuel Macron makes another move closer to possibly being the Antichrist. Mandatory COVID 19 vaccines for 100% of France. Combine that with the Covid digital health pass, otherwise known as the Covid   Passport  Combine this with the USA mandatory   door to   door task force   home, sporting event, and religious activity visitations to encourage all to take the injection of the infection. 
Please wake up before it is too late. They are moving at a rapid pace to get all vaccinated before people realize how many are dying from the experimental jab   of the infection. Why else are so many countries pushing so hard for ALL to get the jab  .It makes no sense logically. There is a ulterior motive to set up socialism and implement a one   World order. Please look up klass Schwab, world economic forum, world health organization, CDC all working together to implement the perfect plotted out plan.
Mandatory shots declarations from President to ALL government officials, Walmart, Disney, Google, Twitter, FACEBOOK are also leading the way for mandatory vaccinations. No-one can go to work, buy, or sell without submitting to the system. Revelation 13:6 no one can buy or sell without the name, number , or mark of the beast. Are there any similarities here? HELLO!!! Cognitive dissonance and denial must go!!!

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