Grosh's Grass Gazette August 2021 Video E Newsletter

3 years ago


It’s hot, hot, hot! We hope you’re enjoying your summer—it’ll be over before you know it, and we’ll be moving on to fall. But in the meantime, let’s keep those lawns healthy and start planning for the next few months in the garden. We’re here when you need us; just give us a call.

Need help? Contact us today!

Tom Grosh
Founder / Owner
Grosh’s Lawn Service

Lawncare Corner

Lawn Aeration

It’s not too late to get into our schedule for fall lawn aeration! But if you didn’t do it last month, be sure to call today to make sure we get you covered. Aeration is a vital part of fall lawncare—so you can enjoy a healthy, thick lawn next year.

Lawn Care Treatments

Fleas, ticks, pesky flying insects—nobody wants these bugging you when you’re trying to enjoy some outdoor time! Our lawncare program takes care of these bad buggers, protecting you, your kids, and your pets. Give us a holler!

Landscape Spotlight

Fall Planting

You know how, when falls rolls around, you love those harvest-colored plantings in your garden? It makes everything look warm and cozy, doesn’t it? Well, we’re scheduling our consultations now so we can plan your autumn garden for you! You can email or call us to reserve your spot.


And speaking of fall planning, we’re also scheduling fall mulching right now as well. It’s important to add that mulch in to retain moisture and suppress weeds (plus, it just looks nice). When you call us about your fall planting needs, let us know you need some mulch while we’re there!

Drought Tolerant Plants

If you’d love a garden that requires a little less maintenance and doesn’t need as much water, we’d be happy to add some drought-tolerant plants in for you! While they do need irrigation to get going, once they are established, drought-tolerant plants will flourish and thrive in even the harshest environments.

Some of our favorites for our area:
Butterfly weed

Weed ‘Em!

Overrun with weeds? Or spotting just a few and don’t want them to get out of hand? We’ll handle it for you. Because weeds drop their seeds into the soil, this is a landscape issue that needs to be addressed regularly so it doesn’t become a problem and choke out your beautiful plants.

Bug Alert

Pest Control To The Rescue

This is the time of year to watch out for plant damage from summer pests like bagworms and grubs. These buggers damage lawns as well as evergreen shrubs and trees, so it’s vitally important to treat as soon as you see evidence of them. Email Tom and he’ll get you squared away!

Let us know how we can help you!
We are here for you, so send us an email with any questions or concerns. And if you've enjoyed our work, would you mind leaving us a review? We'd sure appreciate it — as we do your business! Thank you for trusting us with your lawn care needs.

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