Attention: what is life coaching?

3 years ago

Life coaching is not:

Me telling you what to do
Me telling you what is right and what is wrong
Me telling you how perfect my life is
Me judging you and finding faults

Far from it

Recently I have been met with resistance with some of the videos I put out.

“How can I talk about parenting when I am not a parent” has come my way on a few occasions now

Yes I agree with that statement, however I believe there is a misconception of how my videos are being perceived.

I absolutely love what I do and love coaching my clients. I come from a place of service and my aim it to help as many people as I can. Many of my teachings and understandings have been working with amazing people and I literally come from a place of curiosity

The videos I put out are for educational purposes and to bring awareness to things that happen in our lives that can create huge impact when changes are introduced. I have witnessed this first hand and it’s an amazing feeling

These are life skills and things that can be applied in all walks of our lives

I am constantly working on myself, I have so much to work on and I am constantly being made aware of things that I was oblivious to before

When someone does notice something about you which you didn’t realise, it can sometimes hurt. Deep down you know they may have a point. I’ve been left frustrated on many occasions as sometimes I wonder how I got by in life. Simple things, from the words I use, to how much fidgety I was, to how stress distracts me from being present. The more you learn, the more you realise you got so much more to go

Life for me should be about growth and I am always striving to learn more about myself and the world we live in and Life Coaching allows me to do that even more by working with amazing people

Remember, Our past does not define us, it’s ok to made aware of things. We just have the choice to change it if we don’t like it

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