The Soul and the Ego

3 years ago

We all have a soul and it is constantly communicating with us. With the busy chaotic lives we live, quite often we miss the wisdom that is being presented to us. We spend most of out days unconscious and when we do take a time out, we are then left with all sorts of thoughts and worries

Our soul can be best described as your intuition, that inner wisdom. That feeling when you just know. Ever had a moment when we know we should have listened to our gut and we decided to go against it, to later regret of trusting our initial instincts? That is our soul and that is the ego taking over.

Notice how all out ideas come to us within the shower or when we are driving? This is because we have created silence. Within this silence our soul is communicating with us.

This can also be a time we are reminded to complete a task and we panic because we have forgotten. That is our soul reminding us

If we treat our soul as separate to us, and then work together with it, we will start to see incredible changes in our lives

Our soul listens and responds to our words, so every time we tell a lie, our soul suffers. Who has gone out and have said that they are not drinking and by the end of the night we are just making to bed at 5 in the morning. Our body suffers and so does our soul. If we said we would be drinking, the next day our body suffers and our soul is fine, because we stuck to our word

This is a spiritual way of looking at things and it has helped me massively over the last few years

Create more time for silence and watch the answers come to you. The more we repeat this, the more tapped into our intuition we become

#Life coaching #spirituality #meditation #health #mental health #self development #spiritual teacher #think future feel now #mindset #mindfulness #healthy

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