Warning! The Mark of the Beast and the Beast System Coming- Alabama Gov- Jesus is Coming Soon!!!

3 years ago

This is a video from Jay B in Ireland who had His YouTube channel censored (Prophecy Unfolding), and since my Truth Triumphs channel was just censored too, I don't know if YT will take down his video. I have never seen Truthunedited before, but it agrees with Scripture and what the Lord has told me. I also include a clip from A Call for an Uprising showing Biden's speech. The Lord does want us to be aware of the lies of Satan, and to have faith and courage to stand in perseverance of the saints. Pray without ceasing and pray for other believers around the world that are under great persecution. This is the not the Tribulation yet, so get born again today by calling on the name of Jesus and repenting of sins. Then read the Bible every day and get water baptized by immersion if at all possible as your first act of obedience to Christ's commands. Start by reading the book of John and Revelation. To those who have been born again, we are raptured in Revelation 4:1 and have the promise of Revelation 3:10-11. God bless.

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