Coaching Starseeds to Anchor in 5th Dimension w/Saoirse Clare: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #29

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. Today we go into the world of starseeds or in Buddhism, we would call them Tulku children. My guest is Starseed Coach, Saoirse who helps Starseed incarnates adjust to Earth, thrive in this lifetime, and anchor in the 5th dimension energy of Earth. Saoirse, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work?

2. In Buddhism, we call ancient souls that have had incarnations outside of Earth in different planets, universes, and dimensions Tulku children. In fact, in Buddhism, it was through gamma brain wave meditation and Vedic astrology that 3 Asian monks were given the directive to locate Yeshuah Ben Yosef (Jesus) and provide his parents, Mary and Yosef instructions for coming into our schools and the Egyptian Mystery schools to learn metaphysics, energy healing, and consciousness. This is the same technique used for locating the Dalai Lama. So, with that, why do you think there are so many more starseeds incarnating on Earth currently?

3. Now, I know humanity is getting prepared for interstellar commerce and exchange with various “aliens” by helping people get to 5th-dimensional awareness where they exist. I repeatedly get hypnosis clients to go recall visits with aliens and/or often see UFOs, and they turn out to be starseeds. I’ve even had visitations with some of the “aliens” before my client’s session, and they come through in the sessions too. It seems like there is a Starseed in almost every family. Why is that?

4. Do you think humanity is truly ready for 1stofficial contact with any aliens?

5. What are your suggestions for how we can exist peacefully with different alien civilizations?

6. What do humans have to offer these advanced alien civilizations that they don’t already have?

7. Why do Hollywood movies demonize aliens as bad? Have you had any contact with aliens in any way?

8. Can you explain that feeling of alienation and homesickness that many starseeds have? How can they address it?

9. Can you tell us some examples of what goes on in your private coaching session?

10. What tips can people do today to address the dense life issues that are holding down their vibrations so they can get to 5th-dimensional awareness quicker?

For more information about Saoirse’s offerings, please visit her website:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

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