Meditation & Inner Peace Affects Physical Reality w/Dada Gunamuktananda: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #31

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk about what true spirituality is and how we can explore the final frontier of consciousness with Yogic monk and Ananda Marga Meditation teacher, Dada Gunamuktananda. Dada, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work?

2. What was childhood and college like for you?

3. What makes Ananda Margo Meditation unique from other forms of meditation?

4. You are best known for your presentation on consciousness in your TEDxNoosa talk, which is on the video description for those who want to watch it. I’ve always wanted to do TEDx. What was that like? What is the interesting story to tell about that fateful day?

5. Some would say that space exploration is the final frontier. However, “Q” in the Star Trek series would argue that consciousness is the final frontier. What are your thoughts on that? Examples?

6. As humanity explores space, what advice do you have for people when we come across different sentient beings in the cosmos?

7. Please define what is Supreme Consciousness?

8. Meditation research has proven that meditation affects physical reality by lowering crime rates in the local area it is done at. What would you say to people who challenge other spiritual people who do not actively participate in various current events and movements? Why do so many spiritual people still rely heavily on the external world to change 1st?

9. Do you have a last message for people witnessing our world’s metamorphosis into higher versions of reality?

For more information about Dada Gunamuktananda’s offerings, please visit his website:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

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#DadaGunamuktananda, #AnandaMargoMeditation, #Consciousness5D, #ConnectToSource, #TEDxNoosa, #StarTrekQCollectiveConsciousness, #CollectiveConsciousness, #YogiMonkMeditation, #ChristConsciousness, #MeditationChangesReality, #NirvanaEmptinessBuddhism, #BuddhismSpirituality, #VonGalt, #MerkabaChakrasPodcas, #ConsciousFrontier, #Enlightenment, #FinalDoorway, #ReleaseEgo, #5DOneness, #5DUnityConsciousness, #5thDimensionAwarenes, #YogaMeditation, #YogaGuru, #HinduismYogi

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