Multiverse Traveling Aliens Contact 5D Humans w/Jonathan Trinity Martin: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #30

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we learn a little more about how to channel from starseed ambassador to the Yahyel alien collective and many others, Jonathan Trinity Martin. He is best known as, “the guy who talks to aliens” from his VICE Media interview. Jonathan, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Before we dig in. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work?

2. Who are the Yahyel and any of the other “alien” races you channel?
3. What is your process for channeling different collectives in time and space? Will this be covered in your online Starseed Training courses?
4. In Buddhism and many other indigenous traditions such as the Mayans, we did the Awakening ceremonies to welcome Earth’s newest energies as we started a new cycle after the close of the 25,920-year processional cycle. Now you spend much time meditating at these ancient portal sites in the Mayan civilization and on the Andes Mountains in South America. Can you please explain the Yahyel perspective on what happened to the energy of Earth after 2012?
5. Many Buddhists hold a perspective of post 2012 being choose your own adventure, 3D, 4D or 5D. Whereas 3D people may struggle the most in these higher frequencies until they learn to create with the new 5D energies. Are some of us being 5th dimensional creators in a 4D world or 5D world? Is it the same thing?

6. In Buddhism, we see 5th dimensional awareness done on the consciousness level and is representative of being connected to Christ consciousness of the universe, which develops in the sacred geometry of people’s aura field (merkaba). How can ascending up your level of consciousness in your merkaba change your physical reality (Mandela Effects)? Are personal Mandela Effects our way of knowing we are moving up higher versions of physical reality?
7. I have clients who are becoming 5th dimensional awareness, and they have experiences of knowing multiple versions of their own parallel realities and communicating with one another telepathically, In Buddhism, we say 5th dimensional awareness is an entry point to all higher dimensional awareness because all time existing in the present now moment. This phenomenon is accelerating with my clients. What are your thoughts on that?
8. I get a lot of starseed clients who still need to learn from their past lives and soul groups so that they raise their own frequency to being multidimensional with Earth. What recommendations do you have for other starseeds who may be getting caught up with the wheel of dharma through family melodramas? Forgive and let go?
9. What are your recommendations to other starseeds who incarnated to raise the consciousness of humanity and build the foundations for a 5th dimension society?
10. Much like no one can truly be prepared to be parents, I don’t think humanity can really be ready for 1st official contact with aliens. Politics and religions likely will be the last to come around. Do you think aliens should just proceed on a grassroots process and just land at 5D people’s homes?

For more information about Jonathan Martin’s online courses, please visit his website:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

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#JonathanTrinityMartin, #StarseedAmbassadorTraining, #Aliens, #5DAlienCollective, #5DChannelingTechniques, #ChannelingMediumship, #YahyelAliens, #Bashar, #DarrylAnka, #MultiverseAliens, #InterdimensionalAliens, #ParallelRealitiesAliens, #5DShift, #CollectiveConsciousness, #5DConsciousness, #5DChristConsciousness, #Consciousness, #Multiplicity5D, #MandelaEffects5D, #5DMatrix, #Disclosure5D, #5thDimensionHumans, #5DSpirituality, #Buddhism5D, #5thDimensionAwareness, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #5DBubbleReality, #5DMerkabah, #5DBuddhistMandalas

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