Transform Lives w/Feng Shui & Qigong in Hypnosis - Dr. Kweethai Neill: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #26

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. Today, we explore new methods of hypnosis with Dr. Kweethai Neill. What makes Dr. Kweethai’s hypnotherapy methods unique is that she applies dowsing rods to measure the health of her client’s chakras. She also uses the ancient energy healing modalities of Feng Shui and Qigong to help her clients achieve higher resonance in their lives. She teaches her iHealth Therapy courses and has published books on the subject of energy healing using hypnosis. Dr. Kweethai, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Before we deeper into your course, can you tell us your story for how you got into this work?

2. I found you through taking some of your online iChange Therapy hypnosis courses. Can you explain what makes iChange Therapy unique from other hypnosis modalities?

Some hypnosis modalities shy away from really interviewing clients about early childhood traumas and conditioning that may have been unconsciously picked up and play out in your client’s adult lives. However, you teach your students to really get into it to get to the root of their energy blocks, and then you use hypnosis to clarify unconscious memories that reveal to your clients where the original trauma lies.
Why is getting to the root cause of such conditioning important in this practice?

3. Aside from iChange hypnosis, you also offer Clinical Hypnotherapy classes and Medical Hypnosis classes. What is the difference between the two? Can you tell us a case you worked on using anyone of these hypnosis methods?

4. Your courses are offered via zoom. Now, you and Dr. Steve Stork teaches them. What can students expect when they take the courses?

5. How do you use dowsing rods to measure the health of your client’s chakras? Can you tell us about the dowsing rod course? Can you tell us a case you worked on using this method?

6. How do you apply Qigong in your practice?

7. Now, you studied Feng Shui from the Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism teachings through the late Grandmaster Lee in San Francisco. Can you tell us what people can expect to learn from your Feng Shui course?

8. Do you have any last message you want to leave people in changing times?

For more information about Dr. Kweethai’s offerings, please visit her website:,, OR

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#DrKweethaiNeill, #iChangeHypnotherapy, #Qigong, #FengShui, #ChineseEnergymedicine, #ChineseEnergyHealing, #HealingChildhoodTraumas, #DrSteveStork, #ChineseClinicalHypnosis, #ChineseMedicalHypnosis, #HealingFamilyDrama, #HealingMommyDaddyIssues, #LearningLifeCopingSkills, #VonGalt, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast #HypnosisEnergyHealing, #ChiEnergy, #Consciousness

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