The Socially Awkward Report: Episode 13

3 years ago

In this weeks’ episode of The Socially Awkward Report, we take a close look at Prague and show you the places you will want to visit when lockdowns are finally lifted and people can get back to taking holidays.

We also bring you the weather in your locality and present a new way of applying your face mask. Plus, lots of music and clips to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Next week, a double-bottle Scotch Whisky review, and they're not from Islay...

TSAR Episode Music Credits:

Title: “There It Is”
Music by: Kevin MacLeod
License: Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0
ISRC: USUAN1100753
© 2010 Kevin MacLeod

Title: “Whimsical Theme #2”
Music by: David Hilowitz
License: Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0
Free Music Archive

Title: nitegrooves mix 22.2015
Mixed and compiled by: Mark Newport
Copyright 2015, (all rights belong to original artists)

Drone footage of Prague found on YouTube and reproduced here without permission. But it just looks too damn good to pass up.

All opinions and views are mine and can be challenged or ridiculed as you see fit. If I have used your clip, music or sound effect here and not given appropriate credit, please drop me an email at and we will take care of that.

I do not claim any ownership whatsoever of any of the files used in the creation of this video clip, except the scenes to camera filmed in Prague, July 2021.

More pics and clips here:
TSAR website:

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