Piers Corbin EXPOSED! He Took The MONEY

3 years ago

Piers Corbin EXPOSED!!! Remember we told you about stand up x ,LINK: ⁣https://brandnewtube.com/v/GGz715 but you all still followed the circus show week in week out protest after protest, enjoying the WHEEL! They got you on every last one of them on that world stage up in lights, they call uit controlled opposition ! donation after donation,, ummm Still paying BBC 13.33 a month aswell!!! And you people claim to be awake -- ⁣why wasnt the screen taken down at the last protest, funny that dont you think.. They all controlled wake up and smell the coffee - There are SHILLS being paid all over the place to lead you down the garden path and keep you on the wheel that goes NOWHERE! you have to save yourself

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