Task Force/The High Command calls out Steve Bannon!

3 years ago

The accounts known as Task Force, allegedly run by Randi Erickson and The High Command, featuring material by Timothy Holmseth and released by his publisher, Randi Erickson Holmseth has now targeted Steve Bannon from Bannon’s War Room! Their claims for this action..he dared to have Craig Sawyer, a US veteran as a guest on his show to discuss the current situation of child trafficking and it’s awful tragedies on its victims. Holmseth and Erickson has been targeting Mr. Sawyer for quite some time, making absurd accusations about him without seemingly any factual evidence. Anyone that may support the US veteran apparently is added to their list. How long with their alleged harassment continue before the authorities step in. As you may recall, Mr. Sawyer and associates recently won a $4.6M lawsuit against another man, Daniel John Lee, that runs in the same social media circles as Holmseth. The word on the street is that Holmseth and his publisher, Erickson, are next in line to be served with a suit. However, Tim Holmseth is said to be currently attempting to evade law enforcement in regards to active warrants for his arrest due to violating a RO. It appears the proper officials attempting to serve the paperwork for the pending lawsuit have been unable to locate Holmseth. He currently has warrants for arrest issued from the state of MN and FL. There is a $5,000 reward being offered for information leading to the arrest of Timothy Charles Holmseth in MN. If you have any information regarding Holmseth, you may contact the Arrest Timothy Holmseth Task Force at (202)599-5515.

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