Part 3 - The Reincarnated Demon from The EVERSTEAM CHRONICLES

3 years ago

Excerpt from my novel coming out this Autumn 2021!

The demon… Let Go.
He grew several times his height and girth. Teeth sharpened, and horns glinted demonically, his eyes aflame, the dull of his claws on toes and fingers now razor-sharp. He bellowed out a mighty roar like thunder. His voice was an unrecognizable guttural growl. His throat poured forth the tongue that only those rendered shades could understand. So scared the souls were, they ran away towards their butcherer, rather than face this beast. The demon watched them flee. He closed his great big eyes and took three great big breaths, inhaling and exhaling, inhale-exhale, in and out. He felt himself shrinking. Timidly he turned to face his friends, fearful of what they would think of him.

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