Detach from the roles we play

3 years ago

In life we play different roles

Team mate

Each role is separate and we go through life adapting playing these roles.

We all can agree that the role you play as a boss, will be very different to how you play the role as a friend.

We spend so much time playing certain roles in life, that if we play the same roles regularly, it becomes your identity. This is where I see a lot of suffering

We play the role so much, that certain decisions we make are based on what we think we must do, rather than what we want to

I want to highlight, this is not who you are.

As we go through life, our roles change, which means, we must change.

Let’s take a mother. Throughout the child’s development, the role of a mother will need to change. When kids grow up, people find it difficult to detach from that specific role. We all have experienced our mum still mothering us when we visit even though we are adults (even if they don’t agree). That is an example of how we continue to play the same roles

My main point is to understand that the roles we play are not who we are.

I work with people who have suffered depression for a long time. Some people have made amazing recoveries and are now helping others. The other week I had a client who realised he was still not happy and it soon became clear that his whole identity has now become the vulnerable guy and he felt pressure having to constantly play the role of being vulnerable. A role that he has fought so hard to break away from

This is very common.

Our past does not define you, we can learn from it and grow to push on

A question to take into the day, is how do I play my best self in this role right now?

As soon as you start separating from your roles and then play that specific role as best you can, you will notice a new level of happiness enter your life

#Life coaching #spirituality #meditation #health #mental health #self development #spiritual teacher #think future feel now #mindset #mindfulness #healthy

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