Ho’opono Pono Ke Ala Manifests a High-Vibe Reality w/Aunty Mahealani: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #13

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. Today, we talk to ʻAnakē (Aunty) Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry and her assistant Laakeya from the Big Island of Hawaii. ʻAnakē (Aunty) Mahealani is a spiritual teacher and messenger for the spiritual voices of her native Hawaiian ancestors. She shares the tradition about her culture, and Aloha Spiritual values for self, others and the environment in group presentations, at retreats, and within her workshops through the ancient spiritually-pragmatic teachings of Ho’opono Pono Ke Ala. Aloha ʻAnakē (Aunty) Mahealani, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

Listen to the part where we talk about Lemuria & ancestor's message about oneness/5D unity consciousness, click here 37:43

Listen to the part where we talk about how gratitude manifests a high-vibe reality, click here 1:09:22

Listen to the part where we talk about the Hawaiian ancestor's message to humanity to embrace divinity within themselves as a foundation for being good stewards of the universe, because our destiny is to be starseeds that seed new enlightened civilizations in the universe because all that is an expression of the Lord manifested through us. Be good explorers of the universe and be kind to each other no matter how different these expressions we engage with are to us. Click here 1:18:48

To learn more about ʻAnakē (Aunty) Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry's teachings on the Hawaiian practice of Ho’opono Pono Ke Ala:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by PremiumBeats.com

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#HooponoPonoKeAla, #MahealaniKuamooHenry, #AlohaSpirituality, #HawaiianSpirituality, #HawaiianShamanism, #HawaiianAlohaTraditions, #AuntyMahealaniKuamooHenry, #MerkabaChakras, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #VonGaltPodcast, #Consciousness, #NatureofReality, #Buddhism, #5thDimension, #LawofAttraction, #MandelaEffects, #ParallelRealityShifts, #ManifestReality, #Starseeds, #StarTrekFuture, #HumanityFuture, #InterstellarHumanity, #BeGoodStewardsUniverse

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