"Our Life, A Masterpiece in Process" by Palemon Camu

3 years ago

The idea and the message from our next ribro, the inspiration, and how the publication came to be. Our Life, A Masterpiece in Process. Is published by Next Page Publishing.

Our daily walk is a continual expression of our life. How we perceive the expressions of others will shape our way of thinking and our worldview. This is why it is very important to know how to process and understand other people's ways of thinking, as well as to learn how to communicate well in order to effect change in the world around us. This RibroTM is a guide that will help transform our thinking and teach us how to impact the lives of others in our sphere of influence. We have been created to transform our world through the unique expression of our hearts!


This Ribro will help you understand your origin, process, purpose, and destiny.

Palemon Camu

Directed, shot, and edited by,
Carlos Moreno

Music by,
Alone by Emmit Fenn
Daydream Bliss by SYBS
Sprightly Pursuit by Cooper Cannell
Birds by Corbyn Kites
The Plan's Working by Cooper Cannell
Inspiring Piano
Dance of the Mammoths by The Whole Other

Stock footage,
Provista por Pixabay

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