Starseeds, Aliens, & 5th Dimension Earth - Sam Tripoli Q&A Von Galt

3 years ago

Enjoy the audio recording of comedian, Sam Tripoli on his Tin Foil Hat Podcast Show as he interviews Buddhist author, Von Galt. In this episode, Von enlightens us on her 20 years of scientific research following the collaboration of Buddhist monks and nuns with academia to study meditation, consciousness, and metaphysics on our holographic reality. She explains the ascension of Earth further into the 5th dimension, the process of awakening and ascension to live happily in the 5th dimension, and what is the role of Starseed alien souls incarnating at the time of Earth's ascension to the 5th dimension. Von explains the Buddhist understanding about the transition to the Golden Age of Humanity that many indigenous cultures worldwide and Buddhism have waited thousands of years to usher in and how Starseeds and Tulku (Indigo) children are Earth's ambassadors to alien contact as we transition to an interstellar cosmic exchange with "alien" universes and multiverses (parallel realities). This podcast is an eye-opener, game-changer, and brings it all together. Buddhist Pre-Life Planner and author, Von Galt reveals the INFINITE JOURNEY that souls love playing. Do you want to play?

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To learn more about comedian, Sam Tripoli and his Tin Foil Hat show:

To learn more about Von's books and hypnosis practice, click on the resources below:

Von's Author Page:

Merkaba Chakras:

Merkaba Chakras YouTube Channel:

#Starseed #AlienSouls #StarseedAlienAmbassadors #5thDimension #NewEarth ##TulkuChildren #IndigoChildren #QHHT #Aliens #AlienAgenda #Awakening #Ascension #MandelaEffect #ParallelRealities #Mutliverse #Consciousness #Buddhism #BuddhistMetaphysics #TinFoilHat #VonGalt #GoldenAgeofHumanity #IntergalacticEarthFuture

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