Von Galt Books: More Sacred Geometry, Buddhism, Lemurian Folklores, Starseeds

3 years ago

Enjoy this snippet from the interview of 'California & Mr. Biffles Show' with the author, Von Galt. In this segment, Von and Cali go over the various books she has on her Amazon author's page and what books she is working on publishing this year.

Von is expected to publish her three-volume book series from her 2012 blog articles on this HUGE topic later this summer. Be on the look-out for book 1 of, "Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry".

WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE: https://youtu.be/nvc44RyqrOU

For more about the California & Mr. Biffles Show:
Join Society's Rejects on Discord - https://discord.gg/GhQNgJu

The new Mandela Effects Chat Live January/February 2020 with California and Mr.Biffles on The California and Mr.Biffles Show!

We cover philosophy, bible changes, theology, meditation, manifestation, aliens, ufo, history, glitch in the matrix, Reddit Mandela effects M.E. me, etc and more.

Join Society's Rejects on Discord - https://discord.gg/GhQNgJu
Follow California on Sound Cloud - https://soundcloud.com/californiaglass
Donate on PayPal - punkkitty@gmail.com

Jacob Israel's Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ThomasCalls

More about Von's work:
Von's Author Page:

Merkaba Chakras:

Dolores Cannon QHHT Practitioner Registry:

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