2012 Worldwide Awakening Ceremonies, Buddhism 101

3 years ago

Enjoy this snippet of 'Unbiased on the Fence'. This segment goes over the worldwide awakening ceremonies done by many indigenous tribes to end the Cycle of Polarity and welcome the new Cycle of Unity Consciousness a.k.a Maitreya Buddhahood, Oneness, & Christ Consciousness. Living in the energy of Unity Consciousness in the 5th dimension ushers in the next 1,000 years of galactic humanity according to Buddhism and many indigenous tribes worldwide. Following the Awakening Ceremonies, the Earth started her ascension into another parallel reality. Those who are awakened and working on their ascension will follow her into the 5th dimension.

Thank you to all the Tribes that performed 2012 Awakening Ceremonies:
Native American Council of Elders
Aboriginals of Australia
Chiefs of Easter Island
Chiefs of Polynesian Islands
Mayan Council of Elders
Buddhist Monasteries Worldwide

To watch the FULL interview, click on the link below.

Below are the links to Princeton University's Global Consciousness Project. The basic way of reading the data graph is if the Earth's Schumann frequency hits the blue line then she piked and raised her magnetic frequencies. Otherwise, it's flatline and the event did not excite her or the collective consciousness of the group of people in that area of the world where the RNG, Random Number Generators are organizing ahead of the next heartfelt event.


Older data events from the last 20 years that I have been following and found fascinating.

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Mandela Effect: Friend or Foe?https://www.amazon.com/dp/169285769X/...

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#SchumannResonance #EarthHeartSong #EarthSchumannFrequency #QHHT #QuantumHealingHypnosisTechnique #DoloresCannon #SeattleHypnosis #EnergyHealing #Buddhism #Metaphysics #NewEarth #MandelaEffect #ParallelRealities #LawOfAttraction #WheelOfDharma #SpiritualAwakening #AscensionSymptoms #DrDavidRHawkins #MapOfConsciousness #PrincetonRandomNumberGenerators #EarthMagnetics #HeavenOnEarth #2012DoomsDay #2012AwakeningCeremony #WorldwideAwakeningCeremony #CycleOfPolarity #CycleOfUnityConsciousness #NativeAmericanCouncilOfElders
#AboriginalsOfAustralia #ChiefsOfEasterIsland #ChiefsOfPolynesianIslands #MayanCouncilOfElders #BuddhistWorldwideAwakeningCeremony

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