1/2 The DUNCE CAP OF THE MONTH (Amazing Stupidty) – THE CORRECT VIEWS 07/30/2021

3 years ago

Greetings Unsettled Souls,
‘Tis Sam Di Gangi, curator of The Correct Views with such a collection of TRUE IDIOTS that one will HAVE to click to believe that it is all true. Things like:
A writer letting us know that a celebrities home is bigger than a jail cell (no sh*t?);
Common Pleas Judge Richard Frye, who is NOT a doctor, is risking peoples lives by making the COVID-19 vaccine a condition of probation;
The wrong patient gets a kidney at Cleveland’s University Hospital. ... and you thought only the Cleveland Clinic had gone downhill, didn’t you?;
The Gay Men’s Choir is now singing about corrupting children. CHILDREN!!!;
Like the judge who got one of the first few Dunce Caps sent many years ago, the I.R.S. is telling a woman that she is dead... even as she lives.;
DING! DING! DING! Ring the bell. Sam was right again. ON THIS SHOW, it was predicted that, like Playboy, this woke notion of beauty was NOT going to work and they would go back to sound marketing. Well...;
Speaking of “wokeism,” what if the people who are trying to race-bait were to end up hurting an ENTIRE BLACK INDUSTRY because they are... well... dumb! That is how a person ends up on the DUNCE CAP OF THE MONTH SHOW, after all. If these fools get their word out, a whole black industry will CRASH!;
A racist soap dispenser.... anyone.... anyone? Bueler?
THE WINNER – what a magazine which has managed to make it even in the digital age was to bow to gender confusion and, most likely, destroy their own brand?

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