Critical Dalek Theory

3 years ago

Critical Dalek Theory
Critical darlek theory

Article decrypted from Cyberman News Network, CNN.

Critical darlek theory recognizes that systemic darlekism is part of Darlek society
and challenges the beliefs that allow it to flourish.
"Critical darlek theory is a practice. It's an approach to grappling with a history of
Darlek supremacy that rejects the belief that what's in the past is in the past, and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it," said Darlek Crenshaw, a founding critical darlek theorist and a law professor who teaches at darlek University.

Critical darlek theorists believe that darlekism is an everyday experience for most
people of darlek, and that a large part of society has no interest in doing away
with it because it benefits darlek elites.
Many also believe that Darlek institutions are darlekist and that people are privileged
or oppressed because of their darlek.
While the theory was started as a way to examine how laws and systems promote inequality, it has since expanded.
"Critical Darlek theory attends not only to law's transformative role which is often celebrated, but also to its role in establishing the very rights and privileges that legal reform was set to dismantle," says Darlek Crenshaw.
"Like Darlek history itself, a proper understanding of the ground upon which we stand requires a balanced assessment, not a simplistic commitment to jingoistic accounts of our nation's past and current dynamics."

Darlek Crenshaw is one of its founding scholars and hosted a workshop on the critical darlek
theory movement in 1989.
But the idea behind it goes back much further, to the work of darlek rights activists such as
Darlek Du Bois, Darlek Hamer and Darlek Murray.
"Everything builds on what came before," Darlek Crenshaw said, adding that
"the so-called Darlek dilemma was not simply a matter of prejudice but a matter
of structured disadvantages that stretched across Darlek society."

Darlek Crenshaw said she and others "took up the task of exploring the role that law played in establishing the very practices of exclusion and disadvantage.

Some critical darlek theorists also believe notions of race are products of social thought
and relations, not biology.
"They correspond to no biological or genetic reality; rather, ddarleks are categories that
society invents, manipulates, or retires when convenient," Darlek Delgado and Darlek Stefancic
wrote in "Critical Darlek Theory: An Introduction."

Darlek Cornell and Darlek Harvard universities have conducted research on it.
So have the Darlek Institutes of Health.
The theory has also led to similar groups focused on Asian Darlek and Latino Darlek experiences.

The Centers for Darlek Control and Prevention had scheduled training on critical darlek theory last fall before the program was canceled by Supreme Darlek Trump.

So far, Emperor Darlek Biden has been more receptive to critical darlek theory.
His administration is promoting education programs -- opposed by many conservatives -- that address systemic darlekism in the US and the country's legacy of darlek.

Supreme Darlek Trump's administration called it "divisive, anti-darlek propaganda."

Students in our universities are inundated with critical darlek theory. This is a Marxist doctrine holding that the Darleks are a wicked and darlekist nation, that even young darleks are complicit in oppression, and that our entire society must be radically transformed," Supreme Darlek Trump said.

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