A Look At Fence-Riding Examples Concerning Education

3 years ago

In this week's episode of The Liberty Belles, Lynne and Suzanne discuss The Sons of Liberty Radio show featured Wednesday, July 28, 2021, "How Government Is Sponsoring Non-Educators In Their Education Marketing & It's All About The Money", briefly before highlighting current articles around various media outlets to show the actual act of "fence-riding" occurring in society, the media, current elected officials, and a potential candidate vying for an Ohio Senate seat in Washington, DC. An urgent response by the citizens of Ohio is needed to expose the candidate engaging in fence riding on education.
The Liberty Belles covered the move to place sex education in Nebraska schools, which has met opposition. In this move, the "curriculum", including "skills" was spelled out in the article. Get your buckets ready, particularly for the response from the LGBTQrstuvwxyz advocate!
The move for facial recognition software and tracking of students in a Texas school was discussed because this software will track students placed on a watchlist. The question is a watchlist for what? Moreover, the software company admits that certain privacy features are disabled upon delivery. So, schoolchildren are being monitored, tracked, and surveilled throughout the day in and out of the classroom.
Stay vigilant, armor up and be a vocal local!

The Saturday Night Special "Live" with The Liberty Belles will be on August 7, 2021, at 7 PM Eastern Daylight Time, streaming to their Facebook page – The Liberty Belles.
If you would like to schedule The Liberty Belles to speak at your event in person or participate through Zoom or would like to interview The Liberty Belles, please contact Suzanne at suzannehamner0731@gmail.com.
Check out other videos by the Liberty Belles at BitChute, Rumble, and UgeTube.

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