The StrengthCast PowerShow Time To Pack On The Pounds?

3 years ago

This week's StrengthCast PowerShow is brought to you by The National Council on Strength and Fitness:

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BodyFit by BBcom
Gaining quality weight—in other words, mostly lean muscle mass and relatively little fat—is harder than it gets credit for.
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So much in the fitness world is practically obsessed with weight loss. And rightfully so as obesity and it's deadly cousins of heart disease, diabetes and other issues are a major problem in the health of the world today.

There are however a small group of athletes and warriors who desire to pack on lean mass as a way of improving performance as well as aesthetics.

How you train is just one part of the formula. How you eat will make the most difference.

To gain weight, you need to eat a lot—but smart weight gain is about far more than just overeating. Anyone can overeat, but how you allocate all those extra calories will make the difference in how your body responds.

In this lesson, you'll get a systematic way to eat for muscular gains. Get ready to use your fork.

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