Shofar Blast | Biblical-Caliber Events and Explosive Intel

3 years ago

Links from the broadcast:

Refolding fallen Flag

Chinese Children Receive Bible for First Time

Intel from Storm Rider Re/HAARP & Weather

From Storm Rider
Tunisia: Deploys troops in the capital, Closes the borders and airports
_London FLOODS increase and hospitals are caught in floods
_Philippine residence remaining evacuation centers after major floodings
_Over 2.8 Million Chinese in Henan Province affected by floods.. Hundreds of thousands still with out electricity and emergency help stranded in their homes.
_Switzerland: Roads Turned Into Rivers, terrible Hailstorm and floods in Wolhusen
_Heavy rains cause severe flooding in Turrialba, Costa Rica
_ Mexico: Overflow causes severe flooding in Zapopan, Jalisco
_ flash flood in Paragonah (parr a goo nah), Utah
_Operations were halted on the famous Trans-Siberian railway, as a torrential downpour caused a bridge to collapse under the heavy weight of flooding near the village of Nizhnyaya Kuenga
_London streets SUBMERGED after heavy thunderstorms - flash flooding in several parts of the UK capital
_Panama – Thousands of Homes Damaged by Floods in Bocas Del Toro Province
_Western Europe – Storms Cause Floods in Switzerland, Germany and UK
_India – 9 Dead as Floods Hit Karnataka, Hundreds Evacuate Floods in Telangana and Goa
Watch the Water
Everyday, it increases – in the last few days, Guatemala flooded, Belgium, Spain, Pakistan, Japan. In Germany, people are saying dead babies and children (unidentified) floating through their homes. Over 600 right now. Where do you think they are coming from. What will be exposed once the waters recede.

NATO Setting Up Shop In USA-

Crime of Central Banks Explained (Video 2 min)

Written Explanation/Plan of DS Cabal by Lin Wood

Arizona State Senate Votes to Decertify Election

Ariz. Senate calls to decertify election
Arizona state senators are calling to decertify the election after a large number of discrepancies and irregularities were found in the Maricopa audit.

Trump Returning in 2021 – Team Trump (Photo)

Famous Picture of Trump Looking at Hillary (Photo)

Florida Nurse Exposing New Covid Plan (video 1:43)

Masks Can Cause cancer (Photo)

45,000 Dead from Jab (Video 1 min)

Israels Prime Minister – Pfizer Not Performing

100% Jabbed – Highest Covid infection rate

General Flynn Talking about Jab with Doug Billings (video 4:30)

Where We Have Gone re/the vax-

Innova Medical Group Recalls Unauthorized SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test with Risk of False Test results. The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) have announced that the CDC’s PCR Test failed its review and will have its Emergency Authorisation revoked...
The Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test, the CDC’s benchmark COVID diagnostic testing system, will be withdrawn for Emergency Use by the end of 2021 due to an inordinate frequency of false positive and negative results.
(They are talking about the test used round the world where they shove a long swab up a person’s nose)
The FDA has identified this as a Class 1 recall, the most serious type of recall.
“Use of these devices may cause serious injury or death.”
The fact checkers have already tried to ‘debunk’, but everything I have said above is all detailed below on the link to the FDAs website.

Cute Cartoon – Together we are Stronger (40 sec.)

Dolphin imitating man doing a cartwheel (Video 3 Min.)

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