Beliefs around money

3 years ago

Lets talk money.

A really powerful coaching session with my tribe last night and we were asked the question

What were your beliefs around money growing up?

Notice all the negativity around this word

Greed, filth, I’m skint, money is the route of all evil, money doesn’t grow on trees

Here are some common ones many of us can relate to

When you think these thoughts, notice the energy inside you, this is the same energy which will hold you back.

If you want to make more money, then the first place we need to look at is our beliefs around money

If you could replace these beliefs with more empowering ones, what would they be?

When you read them back, notice how different the energy feels

I have seen a huge shift in my life when it comes to finances and I am continuing to work on this.

Out of these four options, what one would you pick?

Sad and poor
Sad and rich
Happy and poor
Happy and rich

Let’s start noticing are thoughts and words that we use around money and start to replacing them with more empowering phrases

Rob Moore - Money is a great read and it will give you so much

#Life coaching #spirituality #meditation #health #mental health #self development #spiritual teacher #think future feel now #mindset #mindfulness #healthy

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