Man Wears 5 Masks Proving They Do Not Work Because They Don't Do Shit - It's All A Big Crock Of Lies

3 years ago

The Sheeple who insist of wearing a mask have put their faith in a false idol. They "Believe" it has the power to save them, despite all the evidence to the contrary. They don't actually "trust the science" but are fanatical members of the Cult of Scientism. You can show them this, and I'm sure it won't make a lick of difference because they will follow the dictates of Fauci before they believe their lying eyes.

If you want to learn what their future holds? Google the words "oxygen deprivation dementia" and you'll learn the reason for the masks in the first place. You can't cut off your O2 and poison your blood with CO2 for more than a year and think it won't have an effect. It will, and that's what the Globalists were counting on.

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