The Jesuit Oath: Tony Fauci Uses Sworn Blood to the Pope to Spread the 'Noble Lie' of the Pandemic

3 years ago

Lately Dr. Robert Malone has been on with Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic, today for instance he told us that the vaccines are more dangerous then the Coronavirus itself. If you did not already know it Malone is the inventor of the MRNA technology that Pfizer and Moderna are presently using in their ill-fated vaccines. Last week Malone was on with Bannon and mentioned that Anthony Fauci is a practicing Jesuit and is using his Jesuit training and rules of engagement in lying to the World about the Covid Pandemic. He calls it Plato's "Noble Lie" which is interpreted as per Wikipedia as "In politics, a noble lie is a myth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda. The noble lie is a concept originated by Plato as described in the Republic.

In religion, a pious fiction is a narrative that is presented as true by the author, but is considered by others to be fictional albeit produced with an altruistic motivation. The term is sometimes used pejoratively to suggest that the author of the narrative was deliberately misleading readers for selfish or deceitful reasons." I also discuss the fact that Donald Trump is a Jesuit trained politician as are several other politicians and ultimately after they take the 'Jesuit Oath' they only have one allegiance and that allegiance is to the Vatican and the Pope. The most evil empire on the Planet. Now we have Fauci telling the World that the new Delta Variant Coronavirus is NOT going to stopped from spreading by the issued vaccines. He has sold us a Bill of Lies to get a bogus vaccine injected into people's arms and he has used the Jesuits 'Noble Lie' to sell it. All lies are good, just as long as you have taken the 'Jesuit Oath' to sell them.

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