"Pops and Junior:" Who Are These Mystery Men? (Exposure, Segment 10)

3 years ago

There is no gag order preventing me from speaking regarding the theory of my case. I have never been informed that my first amendment rights have been suspended as the result of my indictment. If you hear of me being incarcerated, institutionalized or killed anytime in the near future, it is simply because I am getting too close to exposing the truth. Any "Whistleblowers" out there?

I believe my arrest in San Clemente, these two arrests in Costa Mesa, and my indictment for the January 6th incident are all connected. This is just a little teaser to introduce two upcoming and explosive episodes on Mother's Market that barely scratch the surface of that protest I organized on August 15, 2020. By the time this protest took place, I now know that federal and local law enforcement had been working me (for what I still don't know) for about 4 months.

Who do you think these two mystery men are?

Show Notes:
Young Americans for Liberty Website

Article on YAL (E) Scandal:

Yale Hotbed of CIA (and by extension FBI) recruiting:

Nick Taurus (Actor!) / Katie Porter Incident:

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