Why Is There Distant Starlight If The Earth Is Very Young? - Dr. Danny Faulkner

3 years ago

This video segment is from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 3 : Bible & Stars," where we explore the universe, the Tower of Babel, the Hebrew text, and the history of interpretation of Genesis, and much more! Check it out on our website: https://bit.ly/BIGH-3.

Astronomer Danny Faulkner describes his solution to the light travel-time problem, then discusses many of the issues with Big Bang cosmology.

Dr. Danny Faulkner received his PhD in astronomy from Indiana University. He is distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of South Carolina-Lancaster, where he taught astronomy and physics for over 26 years. Since January, 2013, he has been the staff astronomer at Answers in Genesis in northern Kentucky.

For more information on Dr. Faulkner, please go to https://bit.ly/3kGkcFV.
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