the age-old religious catfight (playing that superiority card)

3 years ago

totally waited to get gas
trying to be frugal here
where's my coffee at...classic ag line
look at all these jesus candles for his return
reading about psalm 110
...and the Lord said unto my lord
churches intentionally screwed it up
God is specifically speaking to david
was Jesus the son of God
i don't know enough about the muslim religion so we are gonna study it as well
the muslims believe in all prophets but that there is only one God
encouraged by those from the eastern regions to look into religion of all kinds
no qualms w/ admitting i am wrong
beaded Jesus is safe
had to smoke for this
it's not that important for me to know shit
the purpose: learn and grow and be a good representation of God
look at that sad-ass face
all those pennies, i threw them at arlo
i stand at the door and meow when they lock me out @ sns
classic cat shit, they purr even when they are mad
paisley's meow is innocent, arlo's is very angry
not going to the gas station which i woke up early for, still leaving late per usual

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