Police and Government MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

3 years ago

Two videos demonstrating abhorrent behavior by Police! Both Videos are from "Good Luck America" on YouTube, a channel I highly recommend! Rick is the channel creator and he's a retired Police Officer. Even he sees the insanity going on because of LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY!

Video 1 is "SC Trooper Dewayne Bunch Endangers 100's Innocent People For A Speeding Ticket - Earning the Hate"

Video 2 is "Arkansas State Trooper Uses Deadly Force On Pregnant Women For Speeding - Earning The Hate"

You should watch his entire "Earning the Hate" playlist!

In one video a motorcycle runs from police. He is wanted for SPEEDING, and he refuses to stop. Instead of getting his plate and arresting him later, the Police choose to endanger 100's of people chasing him, and they eventually block his path and kill him and his girlfriend. The girlfriend was essentially a hostage!

In the other video Police Pit a pregnant woman's vehicle causing it to flip over, destroying her vehicle, because she had no place to safely pull off the freeway!

Folks, this abusive, dangerous, illegal and unconstitutional behavior by police MUST STOP!

I think we ALL KNOW that Government needs to be held accountable! But this goes double for Police!

And while I do support the Police and officers who act lawfully, they are becoming increasingly RARE!

Police view it as "Just Fine" to kill motorists for speeding, but it's NOT just fine! It's a CRIME! A crime they are NEVER CHARGED WITH!

And this has to change! EVERY AMERICAN should be in the streets and contacting their legislatures about this abuse, which happens on a daily basis!

I do support Law Enforcement, WHEN THEY DESERVE TO BE SUPPORTED!

These days police have become MORE CRIMINAL than the criminals they chase! And I'm no lefty!

Our Founders would be ASHAMED OF US ALL to allow government to become this abusive!

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