Candidate Mike Cargile and the Election Integrity Project – CA | Schaftlein Report

3 years ago

Candidate Mike Cargile and the Election Integrity Project – CA | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Mike Cargile – U.S. Congressional Candidate for California’s 35th District ( ), a co-plaintiff with the Election Integrity Project – California ( ), an Army veteran, small businessman and filmmaker, a father and a Christian
1) Election Integrity Project – California
2) Open-border Policies allowing numerous Guatemalans into the U.S., settling in Pomona, CA
3) Rising Crime and Gangs are affecting all citizens of district 35
4) High Taxes – We pay the highest taxes in the country in district 35
5) School openings are requiring mask mandate
6) CRT Cancel Culture opponents of Free Speech
7) Inflation is out stripping wage gains

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