3 years ago

..........Atheists insist that the Second Law of Thermodynamics does not apply to the Earth, because the Earth has the sun, which is constantly adding energy into the biosystem of the Earth. see this short video clip for an example of their claim.
.........A sand castle, (and a little simple math) is proof that Evolution on this planet is a fairy tale of the Highest order. The second Law of Thermodynamics says that the entropy of a system always increases. E.g. As the presenter (physicist Brian Cox) points out, a Sand Castle is in a state of Low Entropy--Meaning that it is very, very, very, very, and very (1 chance in 10 to the 1000 power) unlikely that NATURE, wind, rain, and erosion will ever produce a sand castle "in the sand."
.......In fact, another similar example is the ancient cave paintings, found the world over. Not one sane person, would walk into a cave, notice a cave painting, and reasonable exclaim, WOW look what nature managed to produce and in only 10 to the 18th seconds (13.6 billion years). No, everyone knows that NATURE was not the artist, but MAN was, and in fact, ONLY MAN WAS the artist. Furthermore, notice, in this case, the Second Law of Thermodynamics applies ON THIS EARTH. So in "Darwin's Little Pond,' where the supposed first life sprang, the Molecules swirling around randomly in Darwin's POND, ARE BOUND BY THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS, just like a Sand Dune.
........Now ask yourself this question: if a sand castle, a cave painting, and the words Mary loves Jim found written into the sand, IS ABSOLUTE proof of Mind, Agency, Intelligent Design and a creator, why is all logic thrown out the window, when it comes to stupendous, highly complex, highly ordered biological systems, that even with a MIND we still have only scratched the surface on understanding their makeup. Even with a brain, and computers, not only is a one celled creature unfathomably, intricate, and filled with outlandish volumes of software code, data, algorithms, instructions, error correction, and self replication capabilities, that IT BOGGLES THE MIND OF MODERN MAN. And AS TIME GOES BY its only getting much more difficult to explain how any biological system could arise by chance alone (abiogenesis). In fact, the SECOND LAW of Thermodynamics clearly shows us that this is impossible. Even in the world of molecules in "Darwin's Little Pond", the ATHEIST wants us all to swallow the idea, that at least 200 proteins, each made up of from 150 to 1000 amino acids each, "Magically" FORMED not ONE SAND CASTLE, but over 200 highly ordered sand castles, all at the same time. Not to mention all the other structures (sand castles) in a cell needed for first life, mitochondria, cytoplasm, DNA, Ribosome Monster Machines ETC ETC ETC.
.........THEIST QUESTION: Now if Mother Nature has only 1 chance in 10 to the 1000 power of creating a SINGLE sand castle in the sand--WHICH WE ALL KNOW MEANS, THAT IF YOU FIND A SAND CASTLE ON THE BEACH, YOU KNOW SOMEONE MADE THAT--then why ATHEIST--will you continue to believe the fairy tale, that abiogenesis is even remotely possible?
.........ATHEIST RESPONSE: Well my Atheist Scientist Friends, are all PEER REVIEWED by other AHTEISTS, and they have NO BIAS AT ALL. So what that we Atheists ONLY ALLOW A MATERIALISTIC BELIEF FOR ALL BIOLOGICAL LIFE. We actually don't care how much evidence you have for Intelligent Design, WE SIMPLY refuse to contemplate any other possibility. In fact, WE WILL NOT ALLOW one of those pesky Theists to get a "divine foot in the door."

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